Saturday, January 9, 2010

Not sure if this thing is even worth having, but it seems like a good idea right now, so let's go for it.
Erik and I have been working on stuff the past couple of weeks. We recorded some new jams and one cover with Mike Dixon in Bloomington. Thanks Mike! We also tried to record some things for ourselves and were reminded why recording sucks if you don't know what you're doing. Oh well, live and learn I guess. We're playing some shows to release a 7". So if you're in Muncie and have three bucks you want to blow on a show come to Brody's on the 24th. Also, if you're in Bloomington, like me, we're playing at the Bishop the 28th (I think that show is 5 bucks, which sucks, but whatever). Both of those shows are with a bunch of sweet bands that are awesome and definitely worth spending a little bit of your money to see. Seriously, just take my word for it.
Also, if you're an artist or you just like to draw or paint or whatever you do, I'm doing a sort of casting call for your help. I'd like to get some drawings or something for t-shirt ideas/record covers/etc. etc. It's cooler to work with people than try to do everything yourself. So, if that's you, don't be bashful and get a hold of me.
Also, I want to be able to post demos and stuff on here. Anyone know how to do that?

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